Mind the gap

by Víctor Vallés and Jan Vallverdú

01.07. - 09.07.

Aa Collections

Reindorfgasse 9/2/R01 A-1150 Wien

Opening times:

The Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Central Europe presents Mind the gap, an exhibition of the Catalan artists Víctor Vallés and Jan Vallverdú at the Viennese gallery Aa Collections, a staging of dialogue between painting and sculpture that places the viewer in the privileged place to contemplate the Decay.

The retransmission of a constant flow of stimulating concerns, which are permanently renewed, generates the image of the eternal stumbling, which never ends up with a fall, but which feeds the tension and anxiety of suspense. A dramaturgy of descent, perversely created by us, of which we have become active spectators. (Jan Vallverdú, Víctor Vallés).

Jan Vallverdú (1995, Barcelona, Spain) works within the pictorial framework, where he explores different fields of painting in interrelation with sculpture and installation.

Víctor Vallés (1994, Barcelona, Spain) currently operates within the sculptural field, interested in industrial materials applied to sculpture. His work moves between sculpture, design and installation.

Both are part of the urban art collective Z.T.K.

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