Heisse Pistole, 3rd shot

07.07-16.07 / 12:00 - 20:00

Studio Walls

Löhrgasse 9, 1150. Wien

Heiße Pistole" is a group Show by Studio Walls aimed to bring together various disciplines and artists. The works are collaborations of two randomly paired artists working at the studio. Through a collaborative process, the participants are challenged with the different approaches and similarities, where at the end new ideas emerge. On a span of 3 weeks,18 artists will show their collaborations, each SHOT presenting 3 of them.

Feel free to check out the whole studio and all the individual workspaces.

Artists : Valerie Bruckbörg, Anca Leu, Käthe Löffelmann, Ola Plankenauer, Dorothee Post, Veronika Pufflerova, Lukas Pressler, Guido Sarti, Andrea Scharf, Axel Schindler, Michaela Schlöglhofer, Antonio Semeraro, Thomas Steineder, Linda Steiner, Markus Tozzer, Johanna Wakolbinger

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